
Fox Manufacturing

is a revolutionary new manual steering column re-directional tool that gives rescuers extra time to save lives during the

Every now and then a new tool comes out that seems to answer a lot of extrication problems or enhances the tools we already own.
The Colum-Master is one of these very special tools.

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The tool can be used on a vehicle's roof to perform an inverted Noah's Ark.
Simply cut the "B" post with a shear, and you're ready to place the Colum-Master.
Place the tool with the top front arm forward, and the hook to the "B" post."
Note the hook is up on the far side. The whole unit should be tipped more to the side to be opened in a "V" position, not the current "L" position.
This shows the proper set up.
Now it is time to start the lift. Remember, start with the tool in a "V" not an "L" configuration.
For maximum work space, the tool should end up in a "M" position.
When the inverted Noah's Ark is completed, you have complete access to the passenger compartment. If needed, shears could cut the lower end of the "B" post, removing the whole side of the car.

By placing the Colum-Master as shown in this photo, it is possible to create an anchor for a quick-and-easy third-door conversion. The tool provides an anchor point for the chains.

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For more information call: 1-800-457-GLAS (4527) or send email to: info@glasmaster.com Fox Manufacturing

The presentation of information contained in this page is © copyright MCMXCVI Fox Manufacturing.
The Glas-Master tool is protected by US Patent # 4,985,954.
For further information on Intellectual Property matters contact Fox Manufacturing.